Write a letter to Yugbodh Prakashan for sending you the books of your requirement by V.P.P.
The Manager,
Yugbodh Prakashan
6, Sanita Colony
Sub. : Request to send the books.
Dear sir,
I am going to appear at the I lighter Secondary School Certificate Examination this year. I am informed that you have published books on all subjects. I went through one of your books on Physics and was happy to note the contents. So Kindly send me the following books by V.P.P. at the address given below. A bank draft of Rs. 100/- is attached to this letter as an advance payment against your bill. The rest amount shall be paid at the time of receipt Of the V.P.P. Kindly do the needful at a very early date.
List of Books :
- General English
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology.
Yours faithfully
Harish Namdev
H. NO. 39, Sadar Road,
Raigarh (C.G.).