Unseen Passage or Unseen Comprehension

In this question which is of 5 marks students are supposed to find the answer to a question from the given passage

Student are advised to :

  • read the passage two or three times.
  • mark the answer on the passage.
  • write them in own language.

Exercise 1

Political freedom is possible only where justice is in the seal of authority, where all orders and degrees work in harmony with the organic laws which man neither made nor can alter—where the unwise are directed by the wise and those who are trusted with power, use it for the common good. A country so governed is a free country, be the form of the constitution what it may. A country not so governed is in bondage, be its suffrage never so universal. Where justice is supreme, no subject is forbidden anything which he has a right to do or to desire and therefore it has political changes, revolutions, reforms, transfers of power from one order to another from kings to aristocracies, from aristocracies to people arc in themselves no necessary indications of political or moral advance. ‘they mean nearly that those in authority are no longer fit to be trusted with exclusive power. They mean that those high persons are either ignorant and so incapable or have forgotten the public good in their own pleasures, ambitions, or superstitions, that they have ceased to be the representatives of any superior wisdom or deeper moral insight and may thercförc justly bc deprived of privileges which. they abuse for their own advantage and for public mischief

Read the above passage and answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the political freedom possible?
  2. Which is a free country?
  3. What does not mean political advance not mean?
  4. What does the transfer of power mean?
  5. Give a suitable heading to the above passage.


  1. Political freedom is possible only where power is transferred to peoples who do everything for the common good of people.
  2. That is a free country whose government is inspired by what is right and what is wise the common good.
  3. mere transfer of power from kings to Aristocracies to people does not political advance,
  4. Transfer of power means that those in authority are no longer to fit to be trusted with exclusive power because they are incapable and corrupt.
  5. “Real Freedom” can be the suitable heading 10 the given passage.

Exercise 2

Some people think that the aim of education is merely to give knowledge. These people want students to read books and (10 nothing else. Others believe that knowledge alone is not enough only that which enables a man to earn his own living can be called education. Such people think that bread is more important than anything else. Still, others think that education should aim solely at making good citizens and patriots. All these people see only one of the several purposes of education. As a matter of fact, education should aim at all these three things together. It should give men knowledge, make them self-reliant, and they able to serve others. Education should not produce citizens who while they love their own freedom take away the freedom of others. It should produce men who love their own country, but who do not want to harm other countries.

Read the above passage and answer the following questions

  1. What do some people think to be the aim of education?
  2. What do others think about it and why?
  3. What do still others think?
  4. What are the three aims of education?
  5. Give a suitable title to the passage.


  1. Some people think that the aim of education is merely to give knowledge. These people want the students to read books and do nothing else, but to add to their knowledge.
  2. Others think that only education that enables a man to earn his living can be called education. Such people think that bread is more important than anything else.
  3. Still, others believe that education should aim solely at making good citizens and patriots.
  4. As a matter of fact, education should aim at all these three things. It should give man knowledge, make them self-reliant, and make them able to serve others.
  5. A suitable title to the passage may be ‘Aim of Education.

Exercise 3

Alexander the Great, attacked king Port’S. The latter was a man of self-respect. Lle could sacrifice his life but was not ready to bow. He knew that Alexander was very powerful. The Hindu king of •raxila, Ambhi was also helping Alexander against Porus. Porus did not make a treaty with Alexander at the cost of his Cull freedom. He fought bravely, but luck did not favor hill and he was defeated. He was taken before Alexander the Great. Alexander asked him, “Porus! .You are not a king now. You are my prisoner. I low should I treat you ?” Porus promptly replied. “As a king treats a king. This reply impressed Alexander the Great so much that he ordered his soldiers to set him free. Ile gave him the kingdom and full freedom and made friends with him.

Read the above passage and answer the following questions :

  1. What type of man was king Porus?
  2. Who was helping Ale.xandcr against Porus?
  3. What did Alexander ask Porus?
  4. What was Porus reply to Alexander?
  5. Which words of Porus impressed Alexander, the Great?


  1. King Porus was a man of self-respect. Ile could sacrifice his life, but was
    not ready to bow.
  2. The Hindu king of Taxila, Ambhi was helping Alexander against Porus.
  3. When king Porus was taken before Alexander as a prisoner, Alexander
    asked him how he should treat him.
  4. Porus replied that he should treat him “as a king treats a king”
  5. The brave reply of self-respect •as a king treats a king’ impressed Alexander the Great.

Exercise 4

The computer can work out calculations and provide onwards to complicated problems in a flash. A man would take days or even months to work the same thing Otlt, but it cannot do things on its own. All the information it needs to do something is it’d into it. •rhis information is called data.computer also has a memory where it can store information and use it Later. It can, therefore, be compared to the human brain, but it can solve problems faster and Ignore accurately than the human brain, It can be Inade to play games and can translate words from one language to another, but it cannot take decisions or think up new ideas. •rhat is where it cannot compete with the human brain.

Read the above passage and answer the following questions :

  1. What can a computer do?
  2. What is data?
  3. In what way is the computer like the human brain?
  4. In what way is the computer better than the human brain?
  5. In what way is the human brain better than the computer?


  1. The computer can work out calculations and provide onwards to complicated problems in a flash.
  2. All the information it needs to do something is fed into it. This information is called data.
  3. The computer has a memory. It can store information and use it later. In this way, the computer is like the human brain.
  4. The computer can solve problems much faster and more accurately than the human brain. It can be made to play games like chess and can translate words from one language to another. In this way, it is better than the human brain.
  5. The computer cannot make a decision or think up new ideas. In this way, the human brain is better than the computer

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