Write an essay on – There’s No Place like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

Home! There is no place like home. This saying always makes a deep impression on my mind whenever I think of it. My home is the sweetest, loveliest, and best place in the world. In spite of its shabbiness, I still prefer it to any beautiful place on the globe.

I would sacrifice all the comforts and luxuries of a modern building in a distant place in exchange for the simple dwelling place, my sweet home! Fancy we are away from home for a long time.

How can we forget the place where we were born and brought up in the tenderness and love of our beloved mother? Nothing can prevent us from recalling pleasant and cozy evenings spent by the fireplace during winter beside our dear ones.

There’s No Place Like Home

We are tied to our home by bonds of affection and love: our mother is always ready to accede to our wishes and look after our daily needs, and our father is willing to sacrifice everything to make us happy and comfortable.

All people, in any case, in any place or in whatever position they may be, once far from their homes, are expecting to return to their warm hearths. The very thought of home fills them with deep emotion and serene bliss.

They are looking forward to enjoying the cozy atmosphere of their families and seeing their relatives, friends, and their playmates again. The famous sycamore in front of the house, the lake alive with fish and radiant with lotus flowers are closely associated with their early childhood.

Uncle Ho, after many years of exile and imprisonment in China, after his release when reaching our boundary, picked up a piece of earth in his hand, kissed it, and cried with joy.

There is No Place like Home

The sailors, sailing across the sea, foster bright hopes of returning to their sweet homes on land, and the warriors fighting the enemies on the battlefield are equally attached to the bracing atmosphere of their homeland.

In fact, a man, whatever his occupation may be, loves his hearth and home tenderly. It is his cradle, his nursery, his school, and his paradise on earth.

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