Essay topic: Fruits I like to eat

Fruits I like to eat

I like to eat fruits. They are sweet, juicy, and rich in vitamin C. I believe in the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

Therefore, I always have a slice of fruit after every meal. I love to eat honey-dew melon. As the name suggests, the fruit tastes honey-sweet.

It comes in two types; the green melon and the orange melon. Both taste just as good but usually only the former is used for making dessert. I can’t help but long for a bowl of icy cold honey-dew sago on a hot day.

I also like eating papaya. My mother says it helps digestion because it is a natural mild laxative. I love to drink papaya milk too.

It is easy to prepare and it tastes so good when it is chilled. Each time my uncle visits us, he will bring us lots of papayas and other fruits from his orchard.

Mango is also one of my favorite fruits. It has a very sweet smell. Mangoes can be made into very tasty mango puddings or cakes. However, too much mango can cause constipation.

These fruits that I like can be bought from fruit stalls in wet markets or at supermarkets. Luckily, they do not cost as much as fruits like durians or strawberries.

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