What is DC Motor? | Principle of DC Motor & Types of DC Motors | Working Principle of DC Motor
DC MACHINE What is DC Motor? Electrical motors are everywhere around us. Almost all the electro-mechanical movements we see around …
DC MACHINE What is DC Motor? Electrical motors are everywhere around us. Almost all the electro-mechanical movements we see around …
What is the current transformer? The term current transformer is used to describe a piece of equipment consisting of pairs …
Diode Convention: Practical Diode Characteristics: Diode Circuits: Simple Rectifier Half-Wave Rectifier: Full-Wave Rectifier- Centertap Transformer Rectifier: •Two diodes •Center-tapped transformer Full-Wave Rectifier- Bridge …
Basic principles The transformer is based on two principles: firstly, an electric current can produce a magnetic field (electromagnetism), and secondly that a changing …
In Very Simple words. The transformer is a device that: Transfer Electrical power from one electrical circuit to another Electrical …
When a transformer is in operation, heat is generated, due to I2R losses in the windings and core losses. The generated heat …
Q. 1. A metallic sphere is charged negatively. Will its mass increase, decrease, or remain than same? Ans. When the …
Q. 1 . What is the origin of the name electromagnetic induction? Ans. So-called because electricity is produced from magnetism …
Q. 1. Why is shaft torque less than armature torque in a d.c. motor? Ans. It is because some percentage …
Q.1. What is the practical importance of parallel a.c. circuits? Ans. Parallel a.c. circuits are used more frequently in electrical …