ADVANTAGES OF THE THYRISTOR-CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITOR The use of thyristor control in series capacitors potentially offers the following little-mentioned advantages: …
ADVANTAGES OF THE THYRISTOR-CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITOR The use of thyristor control in series capacitors potentially offers the following little-mentioned advantages: …
INTERLINE POWER FLOW CONTROLLER (IPFC) Recent developments in FACTS research have led to a new device: the Interline Power Flow …
POLARIZATION OF BACK EMF Let us consider the case of two platinum electrodes dipped in a dilute sulphuric acid solution. …
What is an HVDC Transmission System? HVDC, which stands for High-Voltage Direct Current, is a method of transmitting electrical power …
PRIMARY SECONDARY AND TERTIARY FREQUENCY CONTROL PRIMARY CONTROL: Primary control consists of changing a generating unit’s power versus the frequency, …
NEED FOR FACTS DEVICES Since the development of the interconnection of large electric power systems, it has been spontaneous system …
OPERATING MODES OF UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONTROLLER UPFC The UPFC has many possible operating modes. In particular, the shunt inverter …
UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONVERTER UPFC UPFC concept was proposed by GyuGyi in 1991. The UPFC was devised for real-time control …
WEAK BUS IDENTIFICATION A pilot bus or weak bus is defined as a bus that, when supported, improves the voltage …
STATIC SYNCHRONOUS COMPENSATOR STATCOM STATCOM is a Static synchronous generator operated as a shunt-connected static VAR compensator whose capacitive or …