Yoga is a spiritual as much as it is a fitness pursuit. Although yoga is known for encouraging a sense of inner peace and calm. It has evolved to some fun variations over the years as part of its evolution as an over-all fitness program. All people want to fit their bodies, and for fitness, everybody needs a yoga mat. A yoga mat is essential for yoga and fitness. choose the best yoga mat and the yoga mat cleaner for fitness.
Aero yoga and hot yoga all incorporate this meditative activity’s physical aspects, reaching a more diverse audience. Because hot yoga is practiced in temperatures as high as 40 degrees Celsius, choosing the best yoga mat for hot yoga is a crucial part of the exercise. And as you can imagine, after exposure to sweat, humidity, and moisture, you’ll have to give it a good clean as nicely. Read on to find out hot yoga tips and the best yoga mat cleaner for hot yoga in this quick and practical guide.
A Quick Guide To Hot Yoga Mats:
Hot yoga has gained popularity globally because of how we connect sweat to weight loss. But it isn’t just for the weight-conscious individual. Hot yoga improves balance and body strength while improving bone density and cholesterol levels. This, coupled with the meditative nature of yoga, makes it a worthy fitness pursuit. If you’re about to start your hot yoga journey, check out some of the best yoga mats for hot yoga here.
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How To Choose Your Yoga Mat:
Choosing a yoga mat is a private part of the practice. Because your mat is considered your entire space for meditation and asanas, it must be well-suited to your preferences. But hot yoga requires more than your normal expectations on yoga mats. Here are some of the tips on how you can choose the best yoga mat material:

1. Be Serious About The Grip:
Imagine yourself in a heated room while doing downward dogs, and other back-bending, forward-bending asanas (poses). Can you imagine the sweat? Because we can. Anticipate the moisture, sweat, and the possibility of slipping and sliding when choosing your mat. We recommend that you choose a mat with a microfiber towel on top and a stable rubber base.
TIP: Make sure the label for the mat says: ‘for hot yoga.’
2. Choose The Right Thickness:
Standard thickness is recommended for hot yoga. Thin yoga mats might cause unnecessary lower joint pains, and thick yoga mats may cause instability in your poses. Many yoga mats are available in the market, including rubber yoga mats, machine-washable yoga mats, and many more.
3. Invest In A Proper Hot Yoga Mat:
Hot yoga is a slippery activity, and you will want to maintain the right balance while you continue to learn challenging poses in the process. A cheap mat may sound good for the pocket, but it won’t keep you safe during hot yoga. Since health is worth investing in, the fitness products and accessories that go with them should also be treated as vital to the experience, and there are also some yoga mat cleaning solutions that will clean your mat. Choose the type of yoga mat that you can wash yoga mat in the washing machine.
Yogi Hacks For Cleaning Your Yoga Mat:
Yoga mats accumulate sweat, which must be worrying to some hygiene-conscious users. But it’s more than just fear of bacteria. The sweat drips on your mat from negative energy released from your body and onto the mat. These are the tips for the best yoga mat cleaner for hot yoga. This is why it should be cleaned after every use, even in the absence of sweat.
1. Make A Yoga Mat Disinfecting Solution:
This solution is made of equal parts of white vinegar, distilled water, and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a known anti-microbial substance that kills bacteria and fungi. It also effectively removes odor and doesn’t contain harsh chemicals. You can mix these ingredients in a small spray bottle, so the best yoga mat for hot yoga is fresh and clean after every use with just a few spritzes. This is the main point of the best yoga mat cleaner. With this, you can easily clean your yoga mat.
2. Use Dishwashing Soap For Scrubbing:
Dishwashing soap is an effective way to remove grime and odor from the surface of your mat. Mat wipes work similarly because of the same ingredients. After scrubbing down your mat with some dishwashing soap, rinse it with running water and leave it to air dry. Since soap contains harsh chemicals that may cause damage to your mat, this scrubbing is recommended at least once a month. You can also use the yoga mat wipes to clean the mat.
3. Use Lemon And Baking Soda Solution:
Mix a solution of 10 drops of lemon juice with one teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl and add one water cup. After mixing it well, pour it on your yoga mat and wipe it with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. This is an excellent way to remove bacteria and odor from your hot yoga mat, so it’s fresh and ready for another session. This is how you can clean your yoga mat with these tips and the best yoga mat cleaner for hot yoga.
The best yoga mat for hot yoga is all about finding the right accessory to match an intense activity. And even if yoga promotes a meditative and calm state of mind, we must be alert when it comes to cleaning our yoga mats, incredibly hot yoga mats. There is joy in finding the right fitness activity, but there is satisfaction in easing into it. So try these tips because this is the best yoga mat cleaner for hot yoga.
Are you looking for the best yoga mat for hot yoga? Our friends from Lotus Kitty would be happy to help. Go to for workout tips and other fitness product reviews.