Best Tips for Writing a Debate Speech

What is Debate Speech?

Debate means discussing a top school level debating co ic in a formal manner before an audience. Contests are held to prepare students for big occasions in their life. It taxes great Mil to write the text for the debate speech.

This skill can be learned through practice and proper guidance of teachers. Debate speech is similar to declamation speech to a great extent. However, it is the reaction to the opponent’s view that makes It more argumentative and heated in nature.

How to Write Debate Speech

Generally, we have two speakers in a debate contest; the first one speaks for and the second one against the motion. The second speaker rebuts all the points of the first one. However, the rebuttal round can be held for the first speaker also in the end.

Essentials points of a Debate Speech

  • Greet the chairperson, jury, audience, and fellow speakers.
  • Begin your speech with a quotation or a question followed by the answer.
  • Go forcefully but politely with your arguments.
  • provide statistics and logic to prove your point.
  • Use easy but effective language during your speech.
  • Use exclamations and interrogations wherever necessary.
  • Conclude your views naturally.

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