Best Tips for Report Writing Format and examples

What is Report Writing?

Reports are documents that both give a reader information and ask the reader to do something with that information. Reports can be used to suggest new ideas and options; to ask people to accept a point of view; to influence rt decisions; to ask people to make choices between alternative recommendations.

How to write a report

Therefore a well — structured and well — written report can be a very influential document.

One of the key issues is to carefully provide signposts for the reader to through-out the report. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points (but remember to use Full sentences rather than notes here), and new paragraphs for new topics.

A report may be called a factual description or an account of an event or incident or an investigation of an issue or a problem. It may also be an objective analysis or evaluation of something.

A report meant for a school magazine usually is a brief account of an activity or function held in a school. Just like an article, it has a heading, the name of the reporter, and details of the event.

Tips for Report Writing Format

Here is a list of valuable points that should be included in a report

  • Name, Nature of event
  • An account of what happened e.g., dance recital, prize distribution, etc.
  • Occasion
  • Date, time 4- place
  • Vote of Thanks
  • Chief Guest/Guest(s) of Honour
  • A comment on the quality of the programme
  • The main point of the Chief Guest’s message
  • The writer’s contribution or participation
  • Only relevant details should be included
  • Generally, Simple Past or Past Passive Tense is used
  • It Must haVe a well ‘Headline’ and By-line.
  • You should Maintain fluency throughout the draft.

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