Land Pollution Cause and Prevention – English Essay | Essay on land pollution

Land Pollution Cause and Prevention


Prevention of land pollution


what is land pollution: causes and effects

Land Pollution:

Land pollution refers to the destruction of the earth’s surface or the degradation of nature due to human activities. That can include anything from mining to farming to building, and the results can be intentional or unintentional. Land pollution includes legacy pollution, illegal dumping, and littering.

Causes for Land Pollution:

Land pollution is caused by various elements that eventually pollute the land. These elements include solid waste, deforestation, composting, and farming practices. A significant number of them are causing an alarming effect on the climate.

For the most part, solid waste consists of materials that are non-biodegradable and difficult to dispose of completely.

Deforestation causes the depletion of the richest layer of soil that is fundamental for the growth of plants and trees. Synthetics are difficult to dispose of. Also, pesticides, bug sprays, and fertilizers are heavily misused either in landfills or dumped at various locations. These extravagances pollute another kind of land. Similarly, farming practices use high amounts of synthetic materials that damage the food crop as well as the soil. In addition, they are also caused by other pollutants.

How to Prevent Land Pollution

This harmful pollution is at an all-time high. Public authority and associations are doing their level best to limit this pollution. Nevertheless, it is fundamental that we should increase it in the same way. Also, by making a few small improvements in our daily existence, we can reduce the earth’s pollution from the climate. Additionally, here we will examine a few different ways in which we can limit land pollution.

Use biodegradable items instead of non-biodegradable items, as they are not difficult to dispose of and are good for the climate. Similarly, start using pesticide and fertilizer-free feed as increasing their use will reduce the use of compound compost and pesticides in their fields by farmers.

Additionally, if you have a nursery or plenty of room at home, start making your natural leafy food. Additionally, try not to pile things up as most of these things are manufactured using non-biodegradable materials that take years to dispose of.

The public authority has still banned the use of polybags, people are using them. Moreover, these polybags are one of the main contributors to land pollution. It is also advised to stay away from things made using plastic. Research has shown that the use of things made of plastic causes malignant growth in people.

Use paper shopping bags instead of plastic because they are reusable. Still, material packs are more helpful because they can be washed and used normally.

Separate wet and dry waste and to ensure this, the public authority has installed green and blue dustbins around the city. In this way, this waste can be removed by hand from their disposition.

Overall, land pollution must be controlled if we are to increase it with public authority. Additionally, our commitment requires us to use fewer measures of items that cause land pollution. Additionally, we should make it our responsibility to track waste and avoid using non-biodegradable items.

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