Essay topic: Are parents the best teachers?

The best teachers

It is not persuasive to state that parents are the best teachers. In fact, most of them are not specialized in teaching. However, after considering different angles, one soon perceives and admits it. Parents help children to learn basic things.

They teach their children to become a good person. They spiritually and/or materially guide children to surmount difficulties. Firstly, people learn basic things from their parents.

It is parents who hold their children’s hands to keep them standing. After children can stand stiffly, they are led to walk some steps with their hands being held.

Even the first word babbled out is an imitation of parents. Admittedly, children are always curious about anything surrounding them. Parents tenderly explain to them the most simple things. Parents are patient teachers to meet all silly questions from children.

Secondly, parents teach children the way to become good people. Every parent reminds children of saying thank you when they receive candy from elders. It is common that a parent is explaining that a boy is a bad child or that another is a good one. This gives children an evaluation of their friends. As a result, children have good friends to play with. Children are shown how to have good behaviors with others.

Last but not least, parents help children surmount their difficulties. Parents are the ones who love us most and always take care of us. There is no doubt that parents easily and quickly find we are in a poor state although we are not a child at all.

The love of parents for their children is too deep for them to feel unrelieved. Every parent wishes happiness for their children. For this reason, they are always ready to be with their children to help them to overcome hardship through their strong love and even through all their fortunes.

In summary, with the three hereinbefore reasons, parents are considered the best teachers who are always with children whenever children are in need. They share everything they have experienced with their beloved sons and daughters. Because of parents’ great love, it is said that there is no place like home.

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